Friday, July 29, 2011

[UV] foraging bee on Campanula - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof Park, Weinheim, Germany of a Campanula persicifolia flower. This flower exhibit a long wave UV reflection and very light UV pattern, in blue/violet color corresponding to a about 395nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of Campanula:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] foraging bee on Malva - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of a Malva moschata flower. This flower exhibit a long wave UV reflection and very light UV pattern, in blue/violet color corresponding to a about 390nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of Malva:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Ant on Zinnia with deep UV reflection - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of Zinnia flowers from Mexico. This flower exhibits a very prominent and very deep into UV reaching bullseye pattern, here represented by green - yellow colors corresponding to a 340 - 360nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of deep UV reflecting Zinnia with ant:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Foraging bees on Echinops - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of a Echinops flower. This flower exhibit only a long wave UV reflection and very light UV pattern, in blue/violet color corresponding to a about 390nm reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of Echinops:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[UV] Helianthus tuberosus and foraging bee - ultraviolet video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of a Helianthus tuberosus flower. These flowers exhibit a quite prominent bullseye pattern, in yellow colors corresponding to a 360nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of Helianthus tuberosus:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Gaillardia with foraging Bumble Bee - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of a Gaillardia aristata flower. These flowers exhibit a hidden, but very prominent bullseye pattern, in yellow colors corresponding to an about 360 - 370nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of Gaillardia:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[UV] Zinnia with deep UV reflection pattern - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of Zinnia flowers from Mexico (I published about them here earlier). These flowers exhibit a very prominent and very deep into UV reaching bullseye pattern, here represented by green - yellow colors corresponding to an about 340 - 360nm UV reflection (cf my false color UV palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video of deep UV reflecting Zinnias:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Foraging bee on Zinnia flower in UV - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, here shots from Hermannshof park of a foraging bee on a Zinnia flower from Mexico (I published about them here earlier. This flower exhibits a very prominent and deep into UV reaching bullseye pattern with some grayish reflection, corresponding to an about 370nm UV reflection (cf my standardized false UV color palette), which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video.

This video here also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video with foraging bee on a Zinnia:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Fly and Bumble Bee on Rudbeckia flower - ultraviolet HDTV video

Today more about UV videos, again using a Rudbeckia fulgida flower, but this time with two guests, an inspecting fly and a foraging Bumble Bee. This flower exhibit a very prominent UV bullseye pattern, which gets nicely visible in this HDTV video; before I had shown UV video snippets in May 2009 as a preparation for the filming of BBC's "Richard Hammonds Invisible Worlds".
These videos here also use my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video with Fly on Rudbeckia:
UV video with Bumble Bee on Rudbeckia:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Monday, July 25, 2011

[UV] street scene in reflected UV ultraviolet - HDTV video

Today again about UV videos, which I had already presented here and much earlier in May 2009 here. This here is a street scene as seen from my balcony in reflected ultraviolet light (320-390nm). The houses show interesting UV reflections, which I would like to present here in HDTV video form.

This video also uses my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV video:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] Rudbeckia flower - reflected UV ultraviolet HDTV video

Today about UV videos, here using a Rudbeckia fulgida and R. hirta as examples. These flowers exhibit a very prominent UV bullseye pattern, which I would like to present here as a HDTV video; before I had shown UV video snippets in May 2009 as a preparation for the filming of BBC's "Richard Hammonds Invisible Worlds".

These videos here also use my Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:

UV videos:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Friday, July 22, 2011

[UV, FL, VIS, NIR] A very special Zinnia from Mexico

Today about a very special Zinna flower from Mexico, the boss of our most beautiful park Hermannshof, Weinheim, Prof. Cassian Schmidt gave me for my research and photographic work.

This special flower exhibits very prominent patterns under various filtering and lighting conditions which I would like to present here.

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength.

Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:


UV using Baader-U2 (320-390nm):

UV using 333nm narrowband filter (325-340nm):

UV induced visible fluorence (I):

UV induced visible fluorence (II):

UV-VIS simulated bee vision:

VIS-NIR redge-edge:

So I hope you liked that too!

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

[UV] Zinnia shot at 333nm UV in the field

Today about shooting Zinnias at 333nm in the field as I wanted to see, if it was doable.

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength.

Standardized false UV color normal + high intensity palette:


UV using Baader-U2 (320-390nm):

UV using 333nm narrowband filter (325-340nm):

and another one:


UV using Baader-U2 (320-390nm):

UV using 333nm narrowband filter (325-340nm):

It seems to be doable on bright sunny days as it was today, but one has to certainly pray for less wind, since the exposure needed for the 333nm shot was substantially longer, 1-2sec @ISO1250.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Monday, July 11, 2011

[UV] "dancing" Rudbeckia

Just an "artsy" shot today, called "dancing"

[click on images to see larger ones]

and here the "scientific version of it:

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Saturday, July 9, 2011

[UV] UV color of a flower leaf

Today about why leaves do have some false UV color when shooting reflected UV. So a quick reflectrometric experiment sheds some light into that, here using a Rudbeckia hirta and a Rudbeckia fulgida leaf and comparing them with reflected UV shots.

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength.

Standardized false UV color normal and high intensity palette:

The R. hirta leaf on the left shows some greenish/grayish reflection with some violet on it depending on angle. The spectrometeric result reveals, that indeed the highest UV reflection is in the violet sub UVA range, wheras there is also some in the yellowish/brownish sub UVA range, but only a little reflection in the greenish sub band.

The R. fulgida leaf on the right shows some greenish/yellowish reflection and not much angle dependency. The spectrometeric result reveals, that it has quite an even UV reflection, which reaches quite deep into the UVA range to about 310nm and has proportionally a higher green / yellow content than R. hirta.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

[UV] getting closer, using diopter lens

Today about getting closer for reflected UV work. The old and simple method is to add a diopter (meniscus) lens. Will that work also here?

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength.

Standardized false UV color normal and high intensity palette:

It seems to work well obviously and the loss of UV transmission got compensated and the colors also acceptably represented (after proper whitebalancing).

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

[UV] whitebalancing using a 35mm wide angle lens for UV

Today I made some experiments using wide(r) angle lenses for shooting reflected UV using my UV sensitive camera.

I had previously written about proper whitebalancing to reach a standardized false color UV palette using a true apochromatically corrected UV lens and also about doing that for other wide angle lenses. Now I wanted to reach about the same "colors" using such a lens which transmits much less UV, in that case here a 35mm c-mount lens.

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength.

The normal and high intensity palette:

The reflected UV images show a Rudbeckia hirta flower. Left the result before applying my whitebalancing procedure; on teh right after whitebalancing using my ReflectionDisc (and some special in-camera tweaking):

[the colors on the left image are NOT according to the standardized palette!]

Well, as you can see, about the same colors could be reached on the right image, still a little different, as some parts of the spectrum are missing (the shorter wave UV-A sub-bands more specifically, so there is no green as that lens only transmits to about 350nm). Still it gets evident that this Rudbeckia flower has a UV reflection from its petal tips of around 360nm.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site