Today about comparing a special UV lens with a conventional, but UV capable enlarger lens. I have done a similar comparison previously here and here. I'm using a beautiful yellow/red Phalaenopsis flower, for that as well as my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter. Lenses used are a Zeiss UV-Planar 4/60mm as well as a capable for UV 4.5/60mm enlarger lens that will be revealed here later. Light source was an UV enhanced Xenon flash. All shots done at f8.
[click on image to see a larger one]
Visible light image for comparison:
1) UV Planar f4/60mm:
"standard" UV image using Baader-U filter:
2) Enlarger lens:
"standard" UV image using Baader-U filter:
It gets pretty obvious that this enlarger lens reaches close to the UV-Planar lens, yet it is quite a bit away in terms of sharpness + contrast. But it is a capable lens it seems. Quite a useful lens!
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...
More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site