Well, a while ago I was doing these "Psychedelic Lilly" test shots here . Prior to that I had taken UV transmission tests of that very interesting lens family, which turned out to be very promising, reaching down to about 320nm (-3EV). Here now more about that.
These macro shots were done at f8, ISO400, 1/160s using Xenon flash, exposure adjusted using flash power control and ND filters. UV shots were done using the Baader-U filter.
[click on image to see a larger one]
Here now a VIS-UV differential:
Quite a sharp lens with quite good UV transmission and hardly any focus shift, as the two overlaid images nearly perfectly match!
Here the VIS shot:
and the UV shot:
Finally now the VIS-IR differential:
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...
More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site http://www.pbase.com/kds315/uv_photos