Thursday, May 3, 2012

[UV] more on 340nm Jupiter-U vs Baader-U filter for short wave reflected UV

Today more about that new Jupiter-U filter of mine vs. the Baader U (Venus) filter. Shots taken today at the wonderfully blossoming Hermannshof, Weinheim, Germany.

[click on image to see a larger one]

The Jupiter-U is a shorter wave filter (center is 340nm) and its transmission is this, as compared to the Baader (Venus) U filter (red line):

Here now some results of today:

Baader U2 left, Jupiter-U right:

VIS left, Baader U2 right:

VIS left, Jupiter-U right:

and another one:

Baader U2 left, Jupiter-U right:

VIS left, Baader U2 right:

VIS left, Jupiter-U right:

very subtle tone differences get visible in comparison to the Baader-U filter.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

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