All shots were done at f8, ISO400, 1/160s using Xenon flash, exposure adjusted using flash power control and ND filters. UV shots were done using the Baader-U filter.
[click on image to see a larger one]
Here now a VIS-UV differential using the Noflexar 3.5/35mm:

and yes, quite a nice sharp lens with quite good UV transmission and some little focus shift.
and here using the 5.6/80mm EL-Nikkor:

Quite a sharp lens, even less focus shift and also quite good UV transmission.
For comparison here the VIS shot using the Noflexar 3.5/35mm:

and using the 5.6/80mm EL-Nikkor:

Finally now the UV shot using the Noflexar 3.5/35mm:

and using the 5.6/80mm EL-Nikkor:

Well, I am surprised to see, that the Noflexar gets slightly outperformed by the EL-Nikkor 80mm!
BUT: I tried the 5.6/80mm EL-Nikkor outside for infinity tests and unfortunately it seems to have a very prominent large UV hotspot which renders it unuseable for that...
P.S.: the 80mm EL-Nikkor (the older, chrome black full metal type) has an adapter ring on its base with outer M39x26tpi screw mount (Leica enlarger mount). Beneath it is a M25 thread for older #00 shutters. Company Schneider Optics offers adapter rings, if that one should be missing (oder code 92-013251).
P.P.S.: the filter thread of that older EL-Nikkor 80mm is 34.5mm, which is pretty uncommon, as me if you need an adapter ring.
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...
More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site