Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lichen: human vision vs UV induced visible fluorescence vison and reflected UV ultraviolet photography

Today about a piece of bark with Lichen growing on it (most likely Xanthoria parietina and Physcia adscendens grown into each other), that I found blown over onto my balcony. Shots in reflected UV and UV stimulated visible fluorescence (UVIVF) were done using my UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz/fluorite lens. Filters used were the UV Baader-U filter and a 420nm sharp cut Longpass filter. A high power filtered Nichia 365nm UV LED was used as a light source. Different colors of the UVIVF images by using different white balance settings.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision image using UV/IR Cut filter:

UV image using Baader-U filter:

Bee vision image using XBV filter:

UVIVF image:

UVIVF image:

UVIVF image:

UVIVF image:

UVIVF image:

Quadriptych: VIS, UV, UVIVF*2 (different whitebalance) image:

UVIVF is commonly what people imagine when they read or hear about "UV photography" - here you see the difference to reflected UV photography. UVIVF has gotten very common, as it is so much easier to do and no special lens is needed, as just visible light is recorded. 

I have written more about that HERE.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Treasury flower - Gazania rigens in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and butterfly vision XXXVII

Today in late Summer 2020 some outdoor shots of that long blooming white Gazania flower, the Treasury flower - Gazania rigens shot in reflected ultraviolet photography, simulated bee and butterfly vision. All shots were done at f8 in reflected ultraviolet photography using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter, as well as my XBV filters for simulated bee and butterfly vision. Lens was a UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz fluorite lens. Light source was sunlight (shade).

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision:

Reflected UV:

Simulated butterfly vision:

Simulated bee vision:

Quadriptych of human vision, UV, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom):

This Gazania's outer petals strongly reflect UV around 370nm, whereas the inner petal parts are quite darker, hence forming UV nectar guides for UV seeing insects. There are also some highly UV reflecting marks inside around a dark UV center, all invisible to us humans, but clearly visible to bees and butterflies, and all this gets nicely visible here, also in simulated bee and butterfly vision.

I have written about this Gazania previously HERE
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Black-Eyed-Susan - Rudbeckia fulgida in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and butterfly vision V

Today in 2020 shots of a beautiful flower, originating from the USA Prairie, a Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia fulgida in reflected ultraviolet photography using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter, as well as in simulated bee and butterfly vision using my XBV filters. All shots were done at f8. Lens was a UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz fluorite lens. Light source was sunlight (shade).

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision:

Reflected ultraviolet (UV):

Simulated butterfly vision:

Simulated bee vision:

Quadriptych of human vision, ultraviolet, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom):

This flower shows a very prominent UV bullseye pattern, as its petal tips are very UV bright (around 365nm) and its center is very UV dark, and all this gets nicely visible, also in simulated bee and butterfly vision.

I have previously written about that flower HERE
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site