Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[VIS, UV] a first 340nm UV pattern?

Today while I was shooting flowers at Herrmanshof, Weinheim park, for the first time I noticed some "green" UV reflectance pattern, that according to my standardized false UV palette looks like a 340nm reflection. Unfortunately it is unsharp, but I will try and re-shoot it later...

UV sensitive camera, Cerco 94mm lens, Baader-U resp. UV/IR Cut filter; standardized UV palette using my ReflectionDisc

[click on images to see larger ones]

Standardized reflected false UV "colors" according to the previously described "UV color palette" related to wavelength:

I wonder if I may get that flower and make some spectrometric reflection tests...

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site