[click on image to see a larger one]
UV-Nikkor 105mm Visible Light:
UV-Nikkor 105mm Baader-U filter:
UV-Nikkor 105mm Baader-U filter (whitebalanced):
UV-Nikkor 105mm 340nm IDAS filter:
Lyman Alpha II 90mm UG11+S8612 filter:
Lyman Alpha II 90mm UG11+S8612 filter (whitebalanced):
Lyman Alpha II 90mm 340nm filter:
UV-Nikkor vs Lyman Alpha II 90mm in UV:
UV-Nikkor vs Lyman Alpha II 90mm in UV (whitebalanced):
UV-Nikkor vs Lyman Alpha II 90mm in UV (340nm):
This orchid has a very specific UV pattern, its petals are very UV dark, but its lower petal lip has on the lower center a very UV bright spot as well as on its center "nose" formation an UV reflecting spot and all this gets nicely visible.
Both lenses are very different animals so to speak, that Lyman Alpha II f1.1/90mm has extremely shallow DOF as compared to the f4.5 / 105mm UV-Nikkor lens, as well as some bent field, but it shows a very useful UV transmission. That rear mounted 340nm seems not to be the clearest filter, as the resulting image was a bit cloudy, not the fault of the lens.
I have written about the Nye Lyman-Alpha lenses previously HERE and about this Orchid HERE
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...
More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site http://www.pbase.com/kds315/uv_photos