[click on image to see a larger one]
Visible light image - Sunlight
UV image using Baader-U filter (approx. 320-395nm, effective peak approx. 375nm) - Sunlight:
Visible light image - Shadow
UV image using Baader-U filter (approx. 320-395nm, effective peak approx. 375nm) - Shadow:
Quadriptych of the above images for comparison:
Quadriptych of the above images for comparison (detail):
I had the rare chance to find about identically looking R. fulgida flowers just a few centimeters apart, one in sunlight and one in shadow, when I noticed how different the UV results looked like. Comparing the images taken in sunlight or in shadow (blue sky being the only UV source), the latter UV image shows much clearer details and more even exposure. It comes at a steep difference however, 2.5EV (stops) more the shadow image took.
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...