Showing posts with label 3D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2019

Oncostele Wildcat 'Golden Red Star' in visible, reflected UV, simulated bee and butterfly vision - 3D Stereo

Today shots of an Orchid hybride, Oncostele Wildcat 'Golden Red Star' in reflected ultraviolet photography as well as simulated bee and butterfly vision  - but also in 3D stereo crosseye presentation. UV filter used was the Baader-U filter, my "work horse" filter for reflected UV as well as my proprietary XBV filters. All shots were done at f8 using an UV-Nikkor f4.5/105mm lens. Light source used was a modified for high UV output Xenon flash.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human Vision (VIS):

Reflected UV (Baader-U):

Simulated Butterfly Vision:

Simulated Bee Vision:

Quadriptych of the above (non-stereo):

This orchid has a very specific UV pattern, its petals are very UV dark, but the lower petal lip has on its lower center a very UV bright spot, as well as on its center "nose" formation an UV reflecting spot and all this gets nicely visible, also in 3D stereo (UV reflection shows as light blue)

I have written more about this orchid HERE and about Differentials HERE

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and butterfly vision 3D stereo XVI

Today more crosseye 3D stereo shots of another such beautiful flower, originating from the USA Prairie, a Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta in reflected ultraviolet photography using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter, as well as in simulated bee and butterfly vision using my XBV filters. All shots were done at f16. Lens was a UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz fluorite lens. Light source was a modified Xenon flash.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision:

Reflected ultraviolet (UV):

Simulated butterfly vision:

Simulated bee vision:

Quadriptych of human vision, ultraviolet, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom):

Also this flower shows a very prominent UV bullseye pattern, as its petal tips are very UV bright (around 365nm) and its center is very UV dark, and all this gets nicely visible in 3D stereo, also in simulated bee and butterfly vision.

I have previously written about that flower HERE
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and butterfly vision 3D stereo XVI

Today crosseye 3D stereo shots of that beautiful flower, originating from the USA Prairie, a Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta in reflected ultraviolet photography using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter, as well as in simulated bee and butterfly vision using my XBV filters. All shots were done at f16. Lens was a UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz fluorite lens. Light source was a modified Xenon flash.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision:

Reflected ultraviolet (UV):

Simulated butterfly vision:

Simulated bee vision:

Quadriptych of human vision, ultraviolet, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom):

This flower shows a very prominent UV bullseye pattern, as its petal tips are very UV bright (around 365nm) and its center is very UV dark, and all this gets nicely visible in 3D stereo, also in simulated bee and butterfly vision. 

I have previously written about that flower HERE
Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hypergon 26mm ultra wide angle lens for 3D Stereo

More today about that ultra wide angle large format lens I found a while ago which I have published about here: HYPERGON lens I have published before.

It turned out that it seems to be a quite useful lens for VIS and also for UV and IR on my UV camera(s), although it has quite some focus shift in UV and IR (as expected from that simple design). The focal length has been confirmed by further measurements to be around 25 - 26mm, so let's stay with 26mm.

Here (again) that technical article of my friend Marco Cavina, that covers such ultra wide angles nicely with lots of images and diagrams as well as showing never finished prototypes.

Now a photographic result of a spring crocus taken a few days ago ... [click on image to see a larger one]

This lens works very well for 3D stereo images, as it is sharp all over. I will certainly also this year do some UV work using this lens....

Just in case you are not able to see that crosseye 3S stereo image, here some instructions which may help:
1) look at the image, center on the middle gap between them (with your glasses on that you need for reading this test sharp = in focus)
2) place the pointer finger at your nose tip without changing your viewing
3) now still looking straigt to the image, try to focus on your finger
4) move the finger towards the gap between the images
5) follow the finger while keeping focused on it
6) at a certain moment an image "between the images" will appear (looking three dimensional); your finger will be approx. 20cm = 8 inches away from your nose (depending on viewing distance from screen)
7) move your concentration towards that "image between the images" and leave it there (and remove your finger then...)
8) that's it...

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, December 12, 2013

EADS SODERN CERCO f4.1 94mm vs Coastal Optical Systems Inc. 105mm f/4 UV-Micro-Apo lens for reflected ultraviolet photography

Today about two specialized UV lenses, the EADS SODERN CERCO type 2085 f4.1 94mm and the Coastal Optical Systems Inc. (COSI) 105mm f/4 UV-Micro-Apo apochromatic quartz fluorite lenses. In lack of a flower with UV pattern, I'm using a African violet hybride flower for that test as well as my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter. Light source was Xenon light. All shots were done at f5.6.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Diptych image CERCO 94mm (left) vs COSI 105mm lens (right), Visual light:

Diptych image CERCO 94mm (left) vs COSI 105mm lens (right), reflected UV using Baader-U filter (approx. 320-395nm, peak approx. 350nm):

Diptych detail image CERCO 94mm (left) vs COSI 105mm lens (right), reflected UV using Baader-U filter (approx. 320-395nm, peak approx. 350nm):

The comparison images clearly show that both lenses work exceptionally well for reflected UV as for visual photography and deliver sharp images rich in contrast and detail. I had to adjust the camera position to equalize the focal length differences, so this is not a scientific lens test, but the view of a user. Both come in Nikon-F mount, but the COSI lens covers full format sensors, the CERCO only about the smaller APS-C format (25mm image diameter).

P.S.: The images were not re-adjusted in focus between UV and VIS shots, to show that there is no focus shift between VIS and UV.

P.P.S.: those images accidentially work as 3D crosseye stereo images...

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bidens ferulifolia: stereo 3D reflected colorful UV photography

Today about stereo 3D shooting in reflected UV light using the same Bidens flower I have shown here in 2D. I was using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter and my CERCO quartz fluorite lens. Light source was an UV enhanced Xenon flash. Target was one of my last Bidens ferulifolia flowers, as the first snow has already been here...

[click on image to see a larger one]

2D visible light image for comparison:

3D stereo UV image using Baader-U filter for crosseyed 3D viewing:

3D stereo UV image using Baader-U filter for LRL crosseye/parallel universal 3D viewing:

3D stereo in my opinion even better documents the prominent UV pattern this flower has...

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Kingdom of Plants: A Journey Through Their Evolution" - new book by Will Benson

I have already written here a few times about that "Kingdom of Plants 3D" three episode series narrated and written by well reputed Sir David Attenborough, which mainly is about Kew Gardens in the UK and the evolution of plants. The series was produced by Atlantic Productions for SKY 3D TV and directed by Martin Williams and from what I heard will later also be shown in some IMAX theaters. Sir David Attenborough is the presenter and guide through the episodes. Now Will Benson, one of the staff members at the time of production, has written this wonderful book about it.

It is 256 pages, 3 pounds heavy (also also available in electronic form) and it includes four pages about insect and animal UV vision and two pages have some of my images in it from that 3D film. Here is one of it, showing a Rudbeckia hirta in visible and UV light:
[click on any image to see it larger]

and here for the experienced 3D crosseye viewer, the stereo version:

(quote - from amazon)
This book accompanies the landmark television series Kingdom of Plants 3D: With David Attenborough. In the last 500 million years, plants have undertaken an epic journey that has not only spanned the ages but has altered the very make-up of the planet. It was a journey that began in a dark and barren world, and has culminated in a planet that is draped in rich colours, and overflowing with a diversity of mystifying orchids, exploding seed pods and snapping carnivorous plants. But plants are far more than just beautiful and bizarre. Through the chapters of this book we uncover how plants first began to live on land, how they have become linked with a multitude of animal and fungi partners, and how ultimately they have shaped both landscapes and cultures. With an introduction by Professor Stephen Hopper, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, as well as contributions from leading botanists and horticulturists, this book unpicks the strands of our planet's network of botanical life. Through its pages we reveal the extraordinary ways in which plants have come to live and thrive in all habitats, and we discover how they can provide us with answers to many of the problems that face humanity in our modern age.(unquote)

Kingdom of Plants Site
Here is more about the book on the publisher site:
Kingdom of Plants at HarperCollins
Available now in printed or electronic form also from
amazon (US) or from amazon (UK) amazon (UK)

Front Page:

(c) HarperCollins

A wonderful book, not just for the coffee table. I'm sure you'll like it as much as I do!

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Kingdom of Plants" Sir David Attenborough on Kew Gardens in 3D stereo (2)

I had reported earlier about that here, but now Kew Gardens has a preview video online on youtube about the forthcoming SKY 3D series "Kingdom of Plants" with Sir David Attenborough on Kew Gardens in 3D stereo as well as an overview on their site including an interview with Sir David.

((quote Sir David from an interview)) Attenborough: Kingdom of Plants 3D. "We wanted to use 3D in time-lapse, so that the plants move," he says. "They look sensational. They always do -- but in 3D, they look absolutely mind-blowing." ((unquote))

Have a look at what happens at 15:28 seconds onwards.... Mirabilis in UV stimulated visible fluorescence. But I am not allowed to say who shot this (LOL)....

According to imdb it will be released May, 2012

Reference: Kingdom of Plants on imdb

The DVD/BlueRay will be available from July 16, 2012 onwards and may already be preordered at amazon here as DVD and here as Blue Ray (HD) version

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Kingdom of Plants" Sir David Attenborough on Kew Gardens in 3D stereo

There will be a new forthcoming three episode series airing in Spring 2012 narrated and written by Sir David Attenborough, which mainly is about Kew Gardens in the UK (working title was "Kew 3D"). It was produced by Atlantic Productions (Colossus Productions) for SKY 3D TV and directed by Martin Williams. Sir David Attenborough will be the presenter and guide through the episodes.

It has been filmed in HDTV 3D stereo mainly intended to be aired in SKY's 3D channel.

According to imdb it will be released in May 2012

Reference: Kingdom of Plants on imdb

The DVD/BlueRay will be available from July 16, 2012 onwards and may already be preordered at amazon here as DVD and here as Blue Ray (HD) version

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Sunday, September 18, 2011

[VIS, UV] Rudbeckia fulgida in crosseyed stereo

More from Indian Summer that has started here. A few days ago a beautiful Rudbeckia fulgida flower that had opened up, so enjoy a couple of crosseyed stereo shots in visible and ultraviolet light.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Lens used for that shot was also that old industrial lens, I am currently testing. Quite some focus shift it has, but quite useful it is nevertheless.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Monday, September 12, 2011

[VIS, UV] Rudbeckia hirta in crosseyed stereo

Indian summer has started and some flower expose the late bloom to the sun. This Rudbeckia hirta did so too, so enjoy a couple of crosseyed stereo shots in visible and ultraviolet light.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Lens used for that shot was an old industrial lens, I am currently testing. Quite some focus shift it has, but quite useful nevertheless.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rudbeckia hirta Stereo Butterfly Vision

This is about a Rudbeckia hirta flower shot in human vision and (simulated) butterfly vision.
I'm always amazed about the differences in our human perception and how that very same flower would look like if seen through insects eyes (butterflies in that case).
[click on image to see a STEREO image in large]

Human Vision: 

Butterfly Vision (simulated, UV mapped as blue) 

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site

Monday, June 14, 2010

Gentiana 3D stereo, human vs butterfly vision

Here a test shot of a Gentiana flower. This time using a 2 shot stereo method.
For crossed eye viewing.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Human vision: 

Simulated butterfly vision: 

Difference human to butterfly vision: 

I like these cute little sprinkled dots which behave so differently....

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site